Setting path for windows

Setting up path for windows ( 2000/XP/vista/Window 7,8 )

Assuming that you have installed Java in C:\ Program files/ Java / JDK directory
Step 1: Right click on my computer and select properties.
setting classpath in java

Step 2: Go to the Advance System Settings tab.
setting classpath in java

Step 3: Click on Environment Variables button.
setting classpath in java

Step 4: Now alter the path variable so that it also contains the path to JDK installed directory.
setting classpath in java
For e.g:- Change C:\windows/ system 32. to C:\windows/system 32; C:\program files / Java/ JDK.

Setting up path for window 95/98/ME

Assuming that you have installed Java in C:\program files\ java\ JDK directory, do the following:
Step 1: Edit the C:\autoexec.bat file and add the following line at the end.

Setting up path for Linux , Unix , Solaris, free BSD

Assuming that you have installed Java in C:\program files\ java\ JDK directory, do the following:
Step 1: Environment variable path should be set to point where java binaries have been installed. Refer to your shell if you have trouble doing this.
For Example: If you use bash as your shell, then you would add following line to the end
bash mc: export PATH=/ Path/to/java 

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