Java Editions

Java Editions

Java Editions is a collection of programs which helps to develop and run the programs that are written in Java Programming language. Java Editions includes execution engine, compiler and set of libraries. As Java is Platform independent language so it is not specific to any processor or operating system.

1. Java Standard Edition

Java Standard edition is a computing platform which is used for development and deployment of portable code that is used in desktop and server environments. Java Standard Edition is also known as Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition (J2SE).
Java Standard Edition has a wide range of APIs such as Java Class Library etc. the best implementation of Java SE is Oracle Corporation’s Java Development Kit (JDK).

2. Java Micro Edition

Java Micro Edition is a computing platform which is used for the development and deployment of portable codes for the embedded and mobile devices. Java Micro Edition is also known as Java 2 Platform Micro Edition (J2ME). The Java Micro Edition was designed by Sun Microsystems and then later on Oracle corporation acquired it in 2010.
Example: micro-controllers, sensors, gateways, mobile phones, printers etc.

3. Java Enterprise Edition

Java Enterprise Edition is a set of specifications and extending Java SE 8 with features such as distributed computing and web services. The applications of Java Enterprise Edition run on reference runtimes. This reference runtime handle transactions, security, scalability, concurrency and the management of components to be deployed. Java Enterprise Edition is also known as Java 2 Platform Enterprise Edition (J2EE), and currently, it has been rebranded as Jakarta EE.
Example: e-commerce, accounting, banking information systems.

4. JavaFX

JavaFX is used for creating desktop applications and also rich internet applications(RIAs) which can be run on a wide variety of devices. JavaFX has almost replaced Swing as the standard GUI library for Java Standard Edition. JavaFX support for desktop computers and web browsers.

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